If you ever want to figure out how to cram components onto a breadboard, I cannot recommend Fritzing enough.
Adafruit offers a library of Fritzing components and instructions on how to import them into Fritzing here: https://learn.adafruit.com/using-the-adafruit-library-with-fritzing
Before my parts had even arrived, I was already planning how to make the most of a half sized breadboard. Below is one of my early designs, based on the circuit from MightyOhm. Forgive me for using a reed switch as a stand in for a Geiger tube!
The above breadboard circuit is essentially this one from http://mightyohm.com/blog/products/geiger-counter/design-files/
The circuit would evolve through a few more iterations. With this revision, we see that the wires and components leading to/from the Geiger tube are separated by 2 holes to help prevent arcing at high altitude.